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You are here: Home / Run High graphic games without graphic card!

Run High graphic games without graphic card!

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Many people with low end PCs want to play games that run only on high end PCs so now this is possible. This topic is for such people only! I am posting 2 different ways to perform this task, select any one method as per your wish..


TransGaming's SwiftShader Software GPU Toolkit is the world's fastest and most flexible general-purpose pure software 3D rendering technology.


1. Download SwiftShader demo from its official site - .

2. When the download gets finished, you will get a zip file. Extract the zip file.

3. There will be a d3d9.dll file, copy the file.

4. Paste the copied file to your game folder.

5. Now, open the game, if you see a swiftshader logo on the left bottom corner, it shows that swiftshader is running.  Enjoy the game!

The game will run bit slow, if you want the game to run faster then follow the following steps.


3d Analyzer is a PC Software which enables us to play high end games on low end PC. Now what is actually 3d Analyzer and what does it do. 3d Analyzer does transform and lightning hardware emulation and helps in running TnL games on PC’s which do not have dedicated graphics card. It can emulate most of the features of 3d games such as pixelshader, bump maps, SW TnL etc.

1. Download 3D Analyze from this link -

2. After the download completes, you will get a zip file. Extract it.

3. After the extraction completes there will be a file named 3danalyzer-v236.exe, open it.

4. It will ask for Destination folder where the file will be extracted. Give the destination where you want it to be extracted.

5. When it will be completed go to the destination folder and open the exe file named 3DAnalyze.

6. Now, in the File Selection tab there will be another tab named Game or Application, under it there will be SELECT and RUN options, click on SELECT option.

7. Locate the game exe i.e. the main exe file from where we start a game. Don't locate the shortcut of the game.

8. Then downwards there are two textboxes, where there is written VendorID and DeviceID. And sidewards there are VendorIDs and DeviceIDs of 4 graphic cards are given. Enter the VendorIDs and DeviceIDs of the desired graphic card.

9. Now click on RUN. Enjoy the game without a Graphic Card!